Let’s eat Corned Beef and Cabbage and be Irish! Join us for a magical celebration of fellowship and food at our annual CMA St. Patrick’s Party on Saturday, March 15th.

We suggest a $10 donation, but NO ADDICT WILL BE TURNED AWAY!

Put the luck of the Irish to the test with our 50/50 raffle where you could win BIG!

If you’d like to bring a side dish or dessert, please scan the QR code in the flier below to sign up!


2nd Saturday of each month Year...  Colorado Intergroup FINANCIAL Meeting  7th Tradition Paypal Link >> @COAreaCMA  [email protected]  *** NEW EARLIER TIME *** 5:00 pm - 5:30 pm  (Hybrid) In Person:  Tribe Recovery.  1178 Mariposa  St. Denver, CO  80204  On Zoom:  Meeting ID:  843-5262-8743  Passcode:  COArea
2nd Saturday of each month Year...  Colorado Area BUSINESS Meeting  7th Tradition Paypal Link >> @COAreaСМА  [email protected]  *** NEW EARLIER TIME *** 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm  (Hybrid) In Person:  Tribe Recovery.  1178 Mariposa St. Denver, CO  80204  On Zoom:  Meeting ID:  843-5262-8743  Passcode:  COArea